Mediterranean and Turkish delicatessen - Europe's favorite since 1978
Mediterrane und
türkische Feinkost
Europas Favorit seit 1978

Mediterranean food culture that has been inspiring Europe since 1978.

“Future needs origin” - EfeFirat stands for tradition and values that characterize its success as Germany's largest importer of fine foods.
“Future needs origin” - EfeFirat stands for tradition and values that characterize its success as Germany's largest importer of fine foods.
“Future needs origin” - EfeFirat stands for tradition and values that characterize its success as Germany's largest importer of fine foods.
Our products impress with quality and freshness that you can taste - for food retailers and the food service industry.
Our products impress with quality and freshness that you can taste - for food retailers and the food service industry.
Our products impress with quality and freshness that you can taste - for food retailers and the food service industry.
Our products
Our products
Our products
Discover the selection
of our products
The company
A company with heart and tradition.
Personal. Appreciated. Honest!
EfeFirat has been impressing customers for decades with quality, reliable service and a wide range of delicatessen products - both in retail and in the catering trade.
Mediterranean. Diverse. Delicious!
For 46 years, EfeFirat has been offering over 1,800 delicatessen products that impress with their freshness and strong flavors - quality that inspires.
With care. With experience. With joy!
EfeFirat sources the best raw materials worldwide, processes them into delicatessen specialties and delivers them from Bremen throughout Europe - fresh and reliable.

The company
A company with heart and tradition.
Personal. Appreciated. Honest!
EfeFirat has been impressing customers for decades with quality, reliable service and a wide range of delicatessen products - both in retail and in the catering trade.
Mediterranean. Diverse. Delicious!
For 46 years, EfeFirat has been offering over 1,800 delicatessen products that impress with their freshness and strong flavors - quality that inspires.
With care. With experience. With joy!
EfeFirat sources the best raw materials worldwide, processes them into delicatessen specialties and delivers them from Bremen throughout Europe - fresh and reliable.

Ein Unternehmen mit Herz
und Tradition.
Persönlich. Geschätzt. Ehrlich!
EfeFirat überzeugt seit Jahrzehnten mit Qualität, verlässlichem Service und einer vielseitigen Feinkost-Auswahl – im Handel wie in der Gastronomie.
Mediterran. Vielfältig. Lecker!
EfeFirat bietet seit 46 Jahren über 1.800 Feinkostprodukte, die mit Frische und kräftigen Aromen überzeugen – Qualität, die begeistert.
Mit Sorgfalt. Mit Erfahrung. Mit Freude!
EfeFirat bezieht beste Rohstoffe weltweit, verarbeitet sie zu Feinkostspezialitäten und liefert sie von Bremen aus europaweit – frisch und zuverlässig.

Discover what makes EfeFirat your first choice

Large selection
Variety that inspires - discover our comprehensive range
Large selection
Variety that inspires - discover our comprehensive range
Large selection
Variety that inspires - discover our comprehensive range
46 years of tradition
Five decades of quality and experience - your trusted partner for 46 years
46 years of tradition
Five decades of quality and experience - your trusted partner for 46 years
46 years of tradition
Five decades of quality and experience - your trusted partner for 46 years
Family business
Family-run tradition - with heart and passion for quality
Family business
Family-run tradition - with heart and passion for quality
Family business
Family-run tradition - with heart and passion for quality

Interested in our products?
Your partner for wholesale, gastronomy and more - quality that convinces!

Interested in our products?
Your partner for wholesale, gastronomy and more - quality that convinces!

Interested in our products?